We live in exceedingly wild times. Times that are testing the very fabric of our biological humanity, and of our precious human heart intelligence in all areas. Times that require immense personal courage; integrity; faith and an internal heart connectedness that enables one to navigate life with a clear conscience, and with the clarity of a sharpened personal sword of truth. We are a collective human race in a rolling high trauma stress response that is being continually triggered by external forces, and events. There are forces which I believe to be malevolently intended – mostly - to induce fear in the general populace. It is evident that we are living in increasingly complicated times. Times that are far beyond anything we have known in terms of the rate of change, and of the potential vast manipulation of the human race and genome. I also sense that there are many other layers interweaving here, along with the possible additional replications of old power loop patterns from Atlantean times, and beyond. We are seeing now that the last few years have undoubtedly impacted the collective soul of humanity in ways that we are only beginning to bear witness to. The colossal damage that has, and is still occurring through hypnotically fed narratives in our media and the widespread fear propaganda is unprecedented. This needs deep presence and acknowledgement in terms of the harm that these false narratives are causing on all sides. It is clear that this is only the beginning of more seasons of fear triggers on a global scale that will be created to induce more of the same. This is nothing new. We are living in a world where dark and light are constantly in dialogue with one another. In these times it appears that this dialogue has become intensified and strategically coordinated with laser intent to create real harm to the human collective as a species. I recall my own awakening from the illusion of 3D reality in 2005 in the midst of the London bombings throughout the transport system. The level of panic and fear that was induced by this event broke/opened something in me simultaneously. I inherently knew that all was not as it seemed with the narrative that was being fed around the origination of this event. I witnessed first-hand the horrific backlash towards the immigrant communities in the East London area where I was living in the aftermath of this event. It was heartbreaking to see innocent people targeted because of race and the fear that was stirred up through false media narratives. As an Irish person, this was a daily reality in London in my early days living there when I had a few experiences of this race categorization and backlash due to bombings in previous times that were attributed to the Irish freedom movements. I inherently knew that I had to pursue the inner enquiry towards self -understanding and inner truth that would help me to stand centred in myself regardless of the distortions fed through the lens of a reality being sold, at any moment, through the mainstream. To know myself and to seek a higher truth became my orientation from that point on. Once you see through the illusion and distortions that are fed to us as “reality”, you cannot unsee. We are now seeing unprecedentedly high suicide rates and sudden death syndrome occurring across all people and countries. All of which seem to be hidden cleverly from mass view through the subliminal programmes of mass distraction that are inherent within this distortional matrix. People are not really talking about it for fear of being labelled as “this, or that”. It is heartbreaking honestly and I question the heart of humanity in those who cannot give presence to these truths. I personally believe that the root of distortion is so deep and multi-faceted that it successfully plays upon any weakness in the emotional and mental body of an individual. The chaos of the C-pandemic was such a viciously orchestrated, and inhumane experiment to pitch us against each other in a spiritual war of right and wrong. The damage is widespread in the emotional body of collective humanity. There are many who continue to bury their heads in the sands of illusion, continuing to cast fingers and categorize others with labels akin to a witch hunt born out of their own fear. Many want to pretend and to forget how they treated their brothers and sisters who may have made different choices now that it seems we are on the other side of “all of that”. These are people who judged, punished and pointed fingers at those who chose personal bodily health freedom. Many seem to have just carried on with complacent blinkers on intent to disregard any evidence that they could have been incorrect in their assumptions and choices. Those of us who decided our own fate are left with an aching hole of grief and complex PTSD in the aftermath of being cast as the other. Many of us held love and compassion even in the face of adversity; deep segregation programmes and toxic judgement. It was not easy and to be honest it almost broke me personally to experience the extent of this horrific agenda. It is only in recent months that my own consciousness has been unravelling the deep layers of grief, and if I am honest - contempt at the utter lack of backbone in some of my fellow humans through these times. The mass dissociation that is occurring is so heavy on the heart to witness. Despite all of this, I see the pure heart of humanity that still thrives. I am in awe of the capacity for forgiveness that we each possess, and of the incredible power of resilience that the human heart is capable of to rise above adversity. I find comfort in the amazing people who are finding each other now and stoking the fires of community that nurture and support one another in all ways to rise in these time. Three remedies for the loss of soul in oneself & in humanity?
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Word Space
October 2023