Image Credit: [email protected] “Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.” ― Kahlil Gibran I have been reflecting on the nature of suffering in my life; it’s ebbs and flows; it’s profound lessons and gifts; the places it has had me on my knees and in utter surrender to it's teachings. We live in a time now where everything is hyper amplified. Realities are bending and contorting revealing to us the deepest underbelly of human experience and also the highest transcendent peaks of evolutionary cosmic awakening we have ever experienced in these physical bodies. We are simultaneously connected and disconnected from life. There is pain and ecstasy dancing together as polarities bounce from one to the other in erratic waves. Suffering has been no stranger in my life. I remember a deep existential sorrow in me from a young age that was a also side partner with innocent wonder. I felt an incredible overwhelm of the world’s sorrow’s and I had no idea what to do with that energy so I learned to suppress and deny it a voice. I cried easily, often overwhelmed with emotions for no “apparent” reason and only finding relief through my tears. These waves would come and go throughout my life until I began the healer’s path of making the unconscious conscious within myself. I began to understand the roots of of my pain were in my past and also in my empathic connection to the collective heart. These roots dug deep into my childhood and beyond into the multitude of past incarnations I began to viscerally recall and re-experience the energy of. I saw that suffering was so ingrained in my cellular structure and energy bodies. I saw it's many hidden faces and knew it would not be easy to eliminate. I was not even sure if I did wish to eliminate suffering; it had become instilled in me as such a major element of my human experience. I noticed that when I resisted life, I suffered more. That in fully embracing the hurt, the anger, the grief or fear I was granted a divine reprieve into a new state of being...that of stillness and of viewing momentarily a higher meaning. Sometimes this connection to a higher source would last longer than the moment, for many weeks/months at a time. I slowly began to cognize that the pain I experienced represented a gateway to a reality far beyond the one I physically existed in. There is a secret wisdom, a hidden doorway in the womb of our dark places. This wisdom holds a promise of new life and of unknown bounties that can only be accessed and utilized in the complete meeting of our suffering.
Suffering for suffering’s sake can be a destructive force (e.g. victim consciousness). This damaging loop can keep you hooked into the ulcerated psyche of humanity with no will to bridge across to a more healed and whole reality. I have definitely experienced this at times both on a personal and collective level. There are groups and nations who are imprinted with a legacy of suffering that needs to be acknowledged, healed and released at a soul level. My people of origin, the Irish, have uniquely crafted that embodied suffering into a way of being that is so complex in it’s execution of cynicism, deep empathy, victim and visionary all rolled into one that they have baffled many a psychotherapist! We can often cling to our pain like a friendship we know is toxic but we fear having no friends by letting it go. This ultimately causes more pain similar in attempting to block a running current of energy in full force flow which will relentlessly pound at the wall until it finds a way through. The remedy and the gift of our pain only comes to us with total surrender. It is crucial to question the pain we experience as to it's origin and if it is truly serving a higher purpose or simply keeping us locked in a cycle that serves nothing but the pain itself. On another note,I have come across many misguided notions in our awakening spiritual collectives that point to the idea that if you are still cycling in spaces of suffering or physical pain that you are not as “evolved”. I see great folly in that and I know at certain times I have been unknowingly duped by that mentality myself where I have unconsciously judged others for choices I deemed “unspiritual” or “less evolved” when I was in (what I perceived to be) a higher state of new awareness . I now humbly see a wider truth regarding this perception from pain's incessant raw teachings. Having been through many painful death/rebirth cycles of awakening, I know that I was not seeing the full picture at those times and in fact I was running from more of my own unconscious shadow that just was not ready to be integrated at that time. The truth always sets us free. If one is suffering, the whole world suffers in turn. We are all in this together, remember?! I am a committed student of embodying the higher octaves of my soul into the here and now. This requires radical courage and trusting myself very deeply. Sometimes it's very messy and I wonder if I am going backwards instead of forwards. There are continuous energetic upgrades that come as the soul is ready for them, that must go to the core and clear anything that prevents that higher light finding a home in physicality. That is a unique process for each one of us. Some of us may experience a physical illness that is encoded with teachings to help us unpack the wisdom of this higher light. For other’s it may be an even deeper crisis or initiation into the belly of the whale, where they may lose sight of life for a while until stable footing is regained in the here and now on drier land. Trust that what arises for you is not a punishment, nor does it mean you are not evolving! Your soul is guiding you, trust that. Is there a way through pain? Yes. How and when is a personal path based on your soul's lessons & choices. There is a mastery involved in learning how to work with and embrace suffering in all forms. *Build a strong foundation within you to allow space for the core issues to surface in a safe way is paramount. *Have a meeting place within you and a physical place that is a safe zone to fully feel your pain without fearing complete annihilation is important. Allowance and permission are key, as well as immense compassion for your humanness and the suffering of others. When we can truly go to the shadow depths in ourselves and allow healing , we birth a monumental new template for others to access these places too. *Some may wish to seek the help of a professional spiritual counsellor or psychotherapist that resonates with them if there are deep patterns difficult to access alone. Listen to your soul and reach out if you need that. To feel is to live; to experience the pulse of life running through you lighting up all the unlived spaces within you. * Set up support systems of nourishing, heart centered activities and friendships that help bring perspective and joy into your life. * Limit exposure to media/social media and heavy dense places that are already overloaded with collective pain is a good idea too. * Writing out the pain and allowing it to speak is highly effective (e.g. let the inner child speak to you) * Engaging physical movement like shaking, free flow dancing and toning your emotions are powerful tools that shift energy to allow breakthrough. “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” ― Jalaluddin Rumi As our world appears to be in the clutches of an epidemic of pain body associated reactions, our contribution to make a difference can be the embracing of our inner wounds. We can make suffering our great ally without being ruled by it. Thank your core wounds as they are your creations. Love them back into their rightful place within your endlessly expanding heart space. There is no greater time than right NOW, and each of us is primed with the exact tools we require to meet with suffering, make it our ally and not only survive but to flourish infinitely. If you have come this far, thank you beautiful soul! May your path be graced with the strength, courage and divine support to live wholly and happily. Love MaRa If you would like support on your path, I offer "HeartSpace" Soul Healing sessions online Via Skype with clients worldwide ~ If called, reach out! Details and link below :)
Word Space
October 2023