Beware of the wandering seeking ones,
those hungry for the wisdom or gifts of another, The ones who take, but do not give, In order to fill their own inner void. The ones who show up with impressive façades intimating kinship but perhaps the proverbial "wolf in sheep's clothing"? These clever magicians who make the smooth moves to silently usurp another’s life force and knowledge, For their own gain, often masking their own innate pain. These are ones who drink from the inner well of another’s embodied knowledge, yet are disconnected from their own. They talk the talk but do not walk the walk. They are masters of deflection, clever manipulators of illusion and imitators of archetypes they strive to emulate to perfection. They have no respect for the teachers who have walked before them nor a sense of honour in the passing down of lineage wisdom or the gifts imparted through another. Pay attention as to how you feel in the company of those seeking your energy. Is there mutual reciprocity in the exchange? Watch the ones who eagerly court your kinship, Then drop you after they have had their fill of your innocent extension of trusting heart or helping hand. "Watch the taker's in your life, know the boundaries of YOU" It can feel as if they have stolen the silent words encoded within you and twisted them into their own story, that of which they have not lived into within themselves. They are essentially living and thriving on borrowed energy - yours or mine. Watch the “new shining ones” emerging through this time ~ question everyone and everything through the magnifier of the heart to ascertain authenticity. Feel the resonance of who and what is true within you. There are many masters of heart embodied consciousness here at this time and there are other's from another timespace with no honour in their walk, who only like to talk, playing out ancient contracts of inner mass destruction. Above all, KNOW YOU. What you will accept and how you wish to be treated. I have also been sensing, particularly through this rapid fire of an eclipse portal, a multitude of alternate reality templates at work in the collective right now emanating the light. Many are false constructs working through people and places in order to confuse and cause chaos in the heart of those working towards unity in themselves and others. It's not an easy time as we really have to stay awake in the illusion on all levels. Keep close the sacred medicine of your soul & heart's unique unfolding, trusting only those with kind hearts of integrity who show true kinship with a good level of integrated self awareness from the start. Look for that spark of light emanating from the heart of the other, the subtle whisperings of spirit showing you these ones can be true to you. No one is perfect, we are all working through our blindspots, but we also do not have to tolerate interference in our own energy through manipulative self serving tendencies. Release with love the ones who have come to gain but not give in return. Bless them on their way. There are many now with an insatiable thirst for the esoteric mysteries of human/divine origins; All is awakening within the heart of humanity – the full spectrum of all the creational timelines happening at once. This thirst is driving corruption and darkness to activate in the heart’s of many which cleverly disguises itself as light. It is up to each one of us to pay close attention to what is truth within the realities constructing around us and within ourselves each moment. To weed out and rectify these corruptive forces within us, thus deactivating them in our greater realities, our circles and everyday lives. Some are living out past timelines/lifetimes that did not end well (misuse of technologies/ancient wisdom in Atlantean & major planetary epochs of great shift ), where greed and betrayal went hand in hand or where magic was used in ways that caused irreparable damage to the unfolding of time. These are looping until intent and consciousness willingly concludes them. Let us be mindful of these timelines playing out within us, around us and through us so we can take our power back from parasitic forces that seek to gain and sustain from our life force, as an individual and as the human collective. No one has the right to take what is not theirs. As we claim our own innate light, power and wisdom, we close the gap on this type of destructive taking of another's power. It begins and ends with us. We are navigating times like no other! Let the perfect balance of giving and receiving be now in the heart's of one and all. Sacred balance of Yin/Yang and all energies returned to their rightful place. *If you are seeking support, I would be delighted to support you through my one-one remote HeartSpace sessions. I am currenty taking online clients only one day per week (Saturday/Sunday) as I am also studying full time, so availability is limited. Currently booking from Sep 15th onwards. More info here:- Heart blessings, MaRa
Word Space
October 2023