Freedom of speech, personal sovereignty and free will are inherent human rights. To be free to question and to explore in order to find your personal inner truth, free of external manipulation is critical to well being. What happens to the human heart when these source given rights are handed over, or taken away from us? What happens if we comply to certain societal rules in order to keep the peace with those we love or society in general? Rules that may morally and inwardly cause a fracture within one's soul. We can feel powerless when we do not honour our inner voice. This may lead to an internalised depression energy and suppression of our innate life force. Ultimately causing effects in all areas of our being, and our lives. Why is it that we as a collective give these rights away so freely, time and again, to these external authorities we "deem" to have our best interests at heart? If we dive deeper, we may observe that these very same authorities we give our power to may not be invested in our higher interest at all, but in establishing variations of control, manipulation and corruption of these same rights in order to fulfil their own agendas. These external authorities can often reflect our own ability to stand in our own truth and inner authority. Working on these dynamics internally may assist us in accessing our inner wisdom and the refinement of our core value systems. We are now living in a time that many of us may never have ever conceived. The levels of cognitive dissonance in many is vast, as many simply seek to find ways to survive in the chaos of the unknown. It is clearly apparent that in these highly contentious times, any expression of personal truth is open to attack if it does not tow the line with the consensus narrative. Tantrums and madness prevail across social media discourses, which is ultimately dimming the light of true balanced wisdom from being expressed and received. We are experiencing collective trauma and frequency bombardment on epidemic levels. Censorship is also alive and well. Social media portals and regulating authorities are continuing to block topics, with certain contentious explorations, from even being discussed and brought to the attention of the public under the guide of "conspir**y theory". This censorship feels archaic and is only adding fuel to the fire in resistance movements, whilst also suppressing true ancient wisdom that could genuinely assist. Our right to choose and our right to discern the information we each personally engage with is being controlled. I do not personally subscribe to that. I believe that it is our individual right to be able to investigate all sides of an issue in order to make an informed inner decision about what is right for us individually and societally. I believe we should each have a choice in being able to source and disseminate information in order to come to a balanced viewpoint about a subject. These times are speaking to my soul deeply with regards to the potential perpetuation of ancient atrocities of persecution of those who speak or think differently to the general populace. I also believe that these ancient wounds of the psyche are being manipulated to coerce the collective into mass compliance towards questionable agendas. Let us not forget how we - humanity - have, through the ages, persecuted many wise ones; oracles & mystics who have held the remedies and words that were the keys to heal and not harm. We are still casting stones and sending to the stake energetically (and physically still in some places) the very ones who may just be speaking certain truths we are not prepared to hear. Please, this is a tired old storyline that goes back into many ancient past & current timelines of persecution (Atlantis fallout; witch trials; race wars and much more through to the current day). We are looping ancient trauma wounds that we collectively should have learned better from. Yet, here we are. Modern times of worshipping "advanced science". Science that disregards the ancient holistic sciences and the documented plant wisdom of the past as "woo woo". Here in Ireland, the ancient celt physicians consulted the stars in order to prescribe the medicine for their people in alignment with planetary configurations and constitutional elements. I feel we are grossly missing the point if we are not mediating the medicine of all this wisdom. Thankfully so many now have the cellular remembrance of the ancient ways encoded into their DNA, hence why protecting that remembrance is of paramount importance I feel. We need both ancient ways and evolving science, working in harmony together for the greater well-being of humanity and this planet. The balance of polarities. We have all participated in these storylines at various times, consciously or unconsciously, and I am personally sorry for any hurt I may have caused in that regard through my own judgements or blindspots. The perpetrator/victim dynamics are damaging to us all and are begging to be healed to complete this stories long loop. I support and believe everyone has a right to speak their truth freely. It is up to the receiver to discern what is truth for them. Discernment is the key here with all of what we ingest from outside sources. Each one of us has an inner blade/sword of truth that can cut through the false information matrix to reveal what is true in our individual perception of chosen reality. I know many that are awake and aware of various potential collective agendas for many years now who have been taking active steps to become as sovereign as possible in their lives by undertaking the necessary inner & outer work to unhook from the external as source of power, to the internal intuitive heart as primary authority source. Cultivating and trusting your inner personal power source, along with your heart's intuitive knowing is a superpower that is urgently required now. This helps to build holistic resilience of body, mind and spirit. It's also a pivotal time to attend to the inner process of unhooking from external authorities energetically and mind programs that contribute to personal power loss. This process can look like many things.
It also involves a mindset shift of how to practically live life in a more sustainable and self-sufficient way that is less reliant upon external power structures that are not invested in the thriving of humanity, e.g community food gardens, sharing economy, community skill exchanges etc. And here we are, at a time when the whole of humanity is called to the round table to reassess on a collective level akin to the great turning points many ancients have spoken to through the ages. This is our opportunity to reconstruct our world now in ways that support the many in thriving and not the few. We will all find our unique timing in how we contribute to this great rebuild. Some of us are architects and vision seeders; others are master stone masons with the skill to anchor solid form and others are the project managers specifically coded with tools to guide the build through to successful completion. All of us are needed. Please remember that, especially in those times of self-doubt or when fear arises about how and what is next. Faith. Practice and encourage faith to grow strong within your heart. Faith in yourself and your soul's journey to this point regardless of what life looks like for you right now. There is no doubt that heart of humanity is waking up in the most wondrous ways even amidst this crisis. The shockwave of this crisis has cracked the etheric shields over the heart and penetrated into the sacred heart which holds the book of truth for each being. Keeping your psychic & energetic field clear now has never been more necessary. Learning how to incorporate daily energy cleansing practices is very important, especially now. We are in the midst of the greatest rebirth of humanity - FOCUS & INTENTION is required. There has been great work undertaken by a huge tribe of sovereign souls across the world in all areas of life from sustainability; organic agriculture; holistic social innovations and movements that are invested in community centred heart based holistic societal living structures. We cannot drop the ball now. There is no doubt that this virus is real and effecting many. There is no doubt that the grief of losing loved ones is very real and deeply heartbreaking for so many. The grief of a mass letting go of life before this global situation and the fear of the unknown of what meets us next is vast. There is also an undercurrent of incongruence that whispers through these great winds of change - nothing is as it seems. Yet, everything is possible. This is where building personal sovereignty, faith and forward visioning skills are being called into action. How you act, think and react matters. How you govern your inner being and thoughts now in this great shift of ages is imperative. It reverberates outward into the collective energetic field influencing those around you in ways that can and will make a difference, both positively and negatively, hence why becoming a pristine steward and knower of your heart’s truth is the one of greatest gifts that can be forged from the fires of this challenging alchemical time. Forge well, my friends. We will co-create better days, I have no doubt. Let's start in the heart. I'll meet you there. With love, Mara Elaine
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Word Space
October 2023