Humanity is waking up from a long deep sleep. An induced coma of grand cosmic proportions that which we have been in for thousands of years since the last descent of human consciousness into the depths during the fall time of Atlantis and earlier cataclysmic events that wiped out many advanced higher consciousness civilisations that initially thrived, then ultimately mis-used the advanced technologies they attempted to master and manipulate for gain. We are remembering again that our true power lies within and that we, as a species have been programmed and disempowered through a false light matrix into believing we have none. We have given our power to church’s, priests, guru’s, institutions and inherited beliefs that have kept us locked into a prison of the mind, unable to access or accurately perceive our own connection to source/creation. The jig is up, so to speak. The veils have dropped ~ manipulation, power and abuse is seen for what it is. We are beginning to see clearly the misaligned agendas of those who seek the power and life-force of others, as the secret pockets of their tightly woven gowns of mistruth are coming undone. The human heart is a powerful portal that can discern what is truth from fiction. It has been shut down, wounded and traumatized through the harsh realities of human life and the agendas of those energies that seek to disempower & fragment the human soul/spirit. Yet the heart is resilient and ever present. It is our primary guide in navigating us back home to the true self. A whole movement has been built around the conscious awakening of humanity now. “Spirituality” is the new buzz word. It is a most needed shift, undoubtedly, and one humanity has been waiting for. Many of us have been and are looking for answers about our true origins; wanting to heal our pasts and the limitations that prevent us from living a joyful soul led embodied life of higher purpose. There is an abundance of many different holistic and “spiritual” models out there to help us in this time of quickened evolution; many ancient teachings have been unearthed and dusted off that touch the core of the human/divine connection and new ones are being born from these core spiritual principals all the time. There is great value and insight in some of these spiritual teachings that uphold truth and that can assist us in our deep remembering of who we truly are. However, this is also where personal discernment is VITAL, especially in current times. With such a surge of people awakening, there is inevitably an oppositional wave of energy that wants to keep people suppressed and under the thumb of control hierarchies, often under the guise of those supposedly representing the "light". Question, observe and sit with teachings/teachers in your heart. See how your body responds and reacts…it is a wise reflector of mistruth. Often what you may be believing to be your truth is in fact is a distorted truth that may keep you trapped in the very energy you are attempting to liberate yourself from! I have observed & experienced teachings from self-styled new age “Guru’s” dressed up in new finery that have clearly been misappropriated from other sources claiming to be their own but just repackaged in new jargon. Truth can't be owned and marketed by any one person, it is free for all, and truthfully we all source from the one infinite well. There are no quick or special ways to be enlightened. It takes deep inner alchemy, commitment to self and to life in all it's facets! This way of gaining followers has become so prevalent in the "spiritual" community. It preys upon the vulnerable nature of the newly awakened consciousness seeker. There are many who claim to be unique and that the “true way” or new way to enlightenment or finding yourself is to be found through them. True source consciousness and connection CANNOT be bought or sold through another. It’s is your divine right as a sovereign soul having a human experience to access source energy through your own channel. I have sat with the inner tension I have been feeling the last few years as I observe the now lucrative "spiritual awakening" business model in full swing. Many things do not sit well with my heart. It seems that authentic, heart centered and integrated empowered service is being lost in the competitive marketplace of new ageist marketing technology and enlightenment jargon. Please don’t mistake me, there are many amazing souls offering valuable work in this world from a place of heart and integrity. I have been blessed to meet and co-create with many wise, humble, integrated masters of their own sovereign beingness. It is the less acknowledged underbelly of manipulation that exists within the so called “light” community that I speak of. In transparency, I too have been a part of that movement. I began to wake up out of the illusion of a fear based reality into the conscious embodiment of many of my soul gifts about 10 years ago and some of these gifts have expressed themselves as being a vessel for healing source energy to move through me for others and for the earth at a time of huge transition. In these current times, I am questioning the most authentic way/form to move forward in genuine heart service that is grounded and integrated in true embodied experience when I see so many offerings reflecting at their core greed, manipulation, power and control than true empowerment and heart service to others. Spiritual teachers, leaders and channels who are operating from subtly seductive glossy platforms perfectly crafted to entice vulnerable people into their fields through the use of manipulative energy tactics that would have you believe they are unique and the only way to find yourself is through them and their teachings/offerings. Navigating your spirit and knowing who you are as a whole being; as a soul, is so crucial in these times. There are many corruptive and very real forces out there that work through others, often disguised as “light” which seduce and induct you into a disempowerment program for their own gain. This is part of a “false light matrix” of energy that works through the vulnerability and fear programs of the human psyche to plug in to your energy bodies in an attempt to gain control, separate you from your own sovereign connection to source consciousness and to disempower you. It's a tricky landscape, that's for sure. False light energy beings hide in the background, they are masters of illusion. They find ways to distort light for their own gain. You may be drawn to a teaching or teacher that presents a great outer front and gets you buzzed up and feeling special or unique to begin with, then as time goes on you may find you are tired, depressed and doubting in yourself. *RED FLAG * If you are being told that you can only connect to your true self through a specific process or medicine of another, that is a false construct and consciousness trap. This false light will always find a new way to subtly trick you into its grips if you believe you must give your power to someone else in order to connect with your soul’s true essence! Also, if you are being made to feel less them or belittled as part of a process of "Surrender" or any other manipulative justification technologies, then please pay attention. This is not empowerment nor is it love dressed up as "tough love". Each of us has the free will to experience our life and learn our soul lessons in the way we choose. Some of us have had to learn to discern truth from lies through our interactions with these false light energies. The brighter the light sometimes the more attractive you are to these energies. We are now in a time of really honing our ability to craft our own reality. Of choosing sovereignty over the old paradigm of "Guru/Student" or "Master/Slave" mentality. The more of us who choose to honour self empowerment and honour that in each other, the greater balance that comes into our human journey and thus our world. Both the light and the dark serve and are vital in the journey of the soul. We all have both; it's how we uphold the balance within ourselves and become whole that disables any false light energies from engaging us in any form. Being awake, aware and discerning of our choices is vital now to enable us to stop repeating old cycles of disempowerment and control that have kept humanity on lock down for so long. We hold that power within us. No external power needed, just reclaim it. May you be blessed and supported in pure loving truth through your own navigations of spirit. <3 MaRa
Thanks Mara, for your fine-pointed discernment and heart imbued intelligence. I agree that discernment is a key tool as we navigate the layers and layers that seem to have been layered between us and the living truth we are.
13/4/2018 12:11:58 pm
Thank you for tuning in. I hear you regarding the layers and I know that each person must find their way through the layers of their chosen reality to find what is true :) Thanks for taking the time to read my heart's voice in this!
Carol Schrader
12/12/2019 01:41:30 am
Thank you so much for your words of wisdom I feel like you and for years have tried to find a balance
12/12/2019 09:54:08 pm
Happy you resonated with my writing Carol. Balance is so crucial for all of us and staying in the heart. Thank you for doing the good work to stay attuned to your inner truth. With love
Brittany Murphy
5/3/2020 06:10:54 pm
Blessed be
9/5/2024 02:26:50 am
I see. Well this kind of mostly puts me at ease. I am aware of all the things you’ve mentioned. I was thinking it was some kind of entity that you connect to in meditation which sucks your energy/life force so you forget about earth. Idk. There is sooo much conflicting information. I try to use my best discernment.
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October 2023