There is a mid-point when you are undergoing a life transforming inner/outer reality shift. That place, which is so immense it can throw you completely into the mercy of divine orchestration and test your faith in your life's path. A tender place, where you look behind you to see the crashed walls of an old way lying in a heap. You may feel incredibly challenged and lost within it all, yet your resilient soul know's how to navigate this spectrum of change even when you do not quite believe it so. Your heart & soul knows there is a higher purpose to this unfoldment. That is if you can trust. This is a dying of an old way; the dying of a person you loved or a way of life you thought was impenetrable and solid. There is no solid ground in transformation. Yet there is the eternal resource of your heart..always ever present. You may have no clue how to proceed. You may be bereft and shell shocked to the core; not knowing which way is up or down depending on the life experience that triggered this unparalleled rewrite of your life. It is the point of no going back. It is the death portal of a resurrection of a new self. A self that your future self knows intimately, but your current self may baulk from and resist. No judgement here. Be whomever you need to be until you are ready to walk through the gates of this new time. Have gentle, loving compassion for YOU. Nourish and nurture that heart connection to yourself.. make it a priority over anything or anyone else. It will be your saving grace. There may be some wobbles or tremors of aftershock from the immediate impact of life re-direction; some fears surfacing of the unknown or inner resistance in the face of this great change. That is a normal human response to a pivotal life shift from an old reality that no longer supports to the new self that is emerging through the rubble of life transformation. All great shifts require faith. Faith in yourself; Faith in your own higher power/self and in your soul’s innate heart guidance. Even when you cannot feel this connection, surrendering your attachment to a certain way or outcome opens the magic doorway to more than you could possibly imagine or conceive in a constricted internal heartspace. Deconstruction is a necessary part of the human experience. Hopefully that deconstruction can happen in an easeful way for you that supports and nourishes you. Sometimes it does not and the process may choose the form of a derailment of your life for a time. This happens to enable the change your soul is calling forth to take shape and ground a new sense of self in the best way for you. It is a great practice to challenge the ways of being we subscribe to and adopt/adapt as our own. Multiple mind programmes exist in our world. Mind programmes of how to be; how to live; what to eat; how to speak; what to believe; how to relate.. etc ~ the list is endless. Knowing yourself is the greatest gift you can give to you! Understanding how to surrender the old self and when to ask for help, if needed, is vital. We came here alone and we leave here alone, but we also have many beautiful allies in the human world and the elemental kingdoms that can assist with these transitional states of human life. It requires a knowing of yourself; your personal needs and your unique heart & soul to determine the right support to nourish you in the moment. Listen carefully and you will always be guided to the best possible resources. ASK for them! Ask and you shall receive..honestly, that's how the universe works... The body and the heart know when something is right for you. Tune in and trust what you receive in your inner awareness. The body does not lie. I have been through many a “dark night of the soul” & death/rebirth experiences in my life. To the depth of my humanity and back. Most recently having the great honour of ushering my father into the afterlife, which has literally changed my life. Death, for me now, has a wholely different perspective. Extremely profound in it’s teachings. It will continue to teach me until my own dying day, I have no doubt. I have also touched upon, even momentarily, the highest state of grace my soul could reach in this human body. Enlivening source consciousness within me feeding me with the awarenesses’ that sculpt my connection to the divine in my everyday life now and always. I am so grateful to be able to experience both polarities so that I can now practice and humbly be a lifelong student of the middle way or middle path. Endeavoring to find my own way to balance...whatever that looks like. As you are deconstructed, you enter an unknown space. A space ripe for potential. A birthing portal of immense power. Even in the messy chaos of deconstruction, a fertile energy of rebirth begins to gestate. Moving you into a new time; a new way. Embrace it all. Love it all. Have gratitude for it all. Welcome the new self that is emerging. “We build a temple, a holy place within us, from the ashes of our former selves” What a gift to be here on earth at this time of epic change. A time of complete upgrade of human consciousness that is unprecedented. I am grateful to still be here. Love and gratitude to my fellow travellers of this life! MaRa Elaine <3
19/12/2017 09:50:57 pm
Thank you thank you! I have been in this place of transformation for a few years now, your insight and sharing are so very appreciated and timely💗💗💗
MaRa Elaine
19/12/2017 10:03:16 pm
Ah Michele, me too. Infinite love and blessings on our shared way X
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October 2023