Faith has alway been a noble, loving , yet often elusive ally in my life. That is, until I learned through many scuffles with doubt; fear & confusion; how to employ her as a constant companion to co-create my own reality with. She is always there in the back garden of my awareness, even when I think she has packed her bags and left me high and dry! She has lifted me up and out of some very contracted, fearful places during times of immeasurable doubt that had crippled my forward movement in life. You may know those times yourself? Times when you just do not know what to believe in; where your life is going or the overwhelm from the perceived "doom" of a world in chaos. There have been many times, particularly during the "dark night of the soul" initiations I have experienced, where I could not see the wood from the trees. I felt I would never feel or see the light of her presence in my heart again. Yet somehow a crack would appear in the matrix of my fear & doubt where she would fly in through, like a blaze of precious sunlight after days of incessant stormy conditions. Her medicine would fill the gaps of doubt, illuminating the path of possibility in me. Her arms would hold me until I felt safe to open my eyes to dream again. Faith is a vital friend in the life of a visionary. We are ALL visionaries. We all have the tools of creator magic within us to vision for a life that brings us joy and happiness. It's about engaging these tools in our own unique way to effect the changes we wish to make in our lives or to call in the life we dream of. Faith has our back if we believe:)! She can steady our infant steps as we blaze an unknown path into the heart of our dreams helping to bring them to the landing strip of our reality. Faith noun 1. confidence or trust in a person or thing: faith in another's ability. 2. belief that is not based on proof: He had faith that the hypothesis would be substantiated by fact. 3. belief in God or in the doctrines or teachings of religion: the firm faith of the Pilgrims. 4. belief in anything, as a code of ethics, standards of merit, etc.: to be of the same faith with someone concerning honesty. Faith is especially important in these great times of evolutionary change. Many are dealing with heightened fear and confusion relating to "doom's day" scenarios in our illusory world of suffering. And of course, the more we fear the greater the manifestation of that fear occurs in our reality to support that narrative in us! Many are suffering immensely as old stuff that has been buried for eons in the underbelly of the collective consciousness of humanity surfaces for us to face, heal, love and integrate into wholeness. I have deep compassion for each one of us on this human journey right now. I know how challenging it is to be told to "face your fear" and "just have faith" , when you are in the midst of a monumental leap into the darkness. It's almost an unreachable mythical place! However, I have experienced the miraculous occurring in my life when I call upon faith. I may not believe in her in those moments, but there is a hint of something greater than me pulling me towards another reality and that's where the meet point happens. It is then the dance with beloved faith begins. The first steps are always the hardest until it becomes a more fluid, synergist relationship as trust blossoms forth. Faith is the gatekeeper of vision. She shows us the light of our true potential and bolsters our confidence in order to reach higher. Embody deeper and live the life we came here to live. Here are some of the ways I encourage FAITH to come into my life :
May the gifts of Faith light up a path to your soul's true expression & purpose! May a light in the dark be found for all who suffer. May it guide each one of us to a place of living & loving in peace & unity. Within and Without. And so it is. I bow to the fellow soul traveller in YOU, With love, MaRa LuaSa If you are inspired by this blog; please feel free to share! I offer Remote HeartSpace Healing facilitation Via Skype (Worldwide) & Soul Oracle Readings for those seeking a helping hand in your quest for true self embodiment :) Click here to find out more.
Ana Mahe
7/2/2016 12:07:53 pm
Hi Mara, thanks for this heartfelt and thoughtful piece of writing. It displays a deep integration and maturity of your work so far. It is very eloquently written, with depth and lightness intertwined to keep the reader reading on.
MaRa LuaSa
9/2/2016 06:23:14 pm
Thank you Ana for your beautiful reflection, wishes & tips! Much love MaRa
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October 2023